Color Matching in Metal RoofingColor Matching in Metal Roofing

MCA releases white paper for designers and specifiers requesting custom coil samples.

September 28, 2021

1 Min Read

The Metal Construction Association (MCA) has published a white paper “Custom Coil Samples,” which discusses the elements that go into creating a color match and why there are limitations on the size of that match.

“Custom color is commonplace in today’s construction and coil coated metal is no different than many other materials,” MCA stated in a press release. “Designers frequently search for something unique and different [and] one important tool in making a selection is the color sample.”

This paper discusses the three key elements required to create a custom color sample:

  1. Paint formulation

  2. Paint application thickness

  3. Curing of the painted surface

To download the whitepaper, click here.

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