Insulated Siding: 9 Advantages Over Fiber CementInsulated Siding: 9 Advantages Over Fiber Cement

Energy savings, less labor and minimal maintenance are just a few.


March 3, 2024

4 Min Read
CedarMax Nightfall siding

It’s one of the top nine reasons insulated vinyl siding outperforms fiber cement

ProVia’s CedarMAX Super Polymer Insulated Siding sales have increased significantly in the past two years. At ProVia, we believe the popularity of insulated vinyl siding can be attributed to a number of homeowner benefits that edge out fiber cement, but I’m going to start with one of the top benefits for you:

1| Faster installation.

Insulated vinyl siding is quicker to install, with fewer laborers. We aren’t talking a little time savings. We’re talking one laborer instead of two. No extra wall prepping time like fiber cement often requires. No sealing, caulking, or touch ups. No scaffolding. No gearing up to protect against silicosis. One-piece, insulated vinyl siding is lightweight, rigid, easy to install, and safe to handle. Installers who have worked with traditional vinyl siding can quickly learn to work with insulated vinyl siding. Fiber cement requires extensive training and experience to install correctly.


2 | Exceptional strength.

Insulated vinyl siding is job-site durable, and durable for life. Fiber cement has been known to crack and chip during shipment and installation, requiring added time and labor to fix. One-piece insulated vinyl siding is job-site tough. Once installed, it withstands just about anything life throws at it, including rocks from lawnmowers, baseballs and wind-driven hail.

3 | Higher R-value.

Insulated vinyl siding creates a thermal envelope around the home resulting in higher R-value and lower energy bills. Fiber cement has no inherent energy efficiency properties. ProVia’s CedarMAX insulated vinyl siding is guaranteed in writing to reduce the homeowner’s energy bill by at least 20%. It’s part of ProVia’s industry-leading, lifetime limited warranty.


4 | Low maintenance.

Insulated vinyl siding never needs painting or caulking. Fiber cement has to be re-caulked and painted every few years, adding to its cost and maintenance. Homeowners appreciate that insulated vinyl siding is easily maintained with an occasional rinse from a garden hose.

5 | High-end wood look.

Insulated vinyl siding delivers the high-end look and beauty of wood, without the risk of rot. Unlike wood or fiber cement siding, insulated vinyl siding is immune to water damage. Fiber cement siding has a porous core that can absorb water, swell, degrade and rot when moisture penetrates through gaps or cracks in the paint or primer.


6 | Affordable solution.

Insulated vinyl siding can be installed over exposed foundation surfaces that are commonly found on the sides and rear of a house. This is an affordable solution for covering a bare foundation because vinyl can be installed within inches of the ground with no negative effects. Due to ground moisture, snow accumulation, and eave drippage, fiber cement installed near ground height will rot starting from the bottom edge and moving up over time.

7 | Won't trap moisture.

Insulated vinyl siding breathes. One of the worst nightmares for contractors is moisture damage in a wall. The repairs required are time consuming and costly. CedarMAX insulated vinyl siding is formulated with rigid EPS foam insulation that allows moisture to escape to the outside of the home. Your homeowner’s investment is protected from mold and moisture damage—and so are you.


8 | Many colors & profiles.

CedarMAX insulated vinyl siding delivers the wide profiles and bold colors homeowners are looking for to create a customized look for their home. CedarMAX offers the wider profiles homeowners love: Double 6″, Triple 4″ Dutch Lap, Single 7″ and 8″ Board ‘n Batten. The science behind our Super Polymer Formulation and Tri-Pigment Reflective Technology creates rich, bold colors that resist fading, chalking, cracking and peeling—guaranteed. Homeowners can choose from 30 beautiful colors. Fiber cement offers prefinished options in a limited range of colors.

9 | Strong & rigid foam insulation.

CedarMAX insulated vinyl siding is engineered with a strong, rigid foam backing that can bridge the subtle bows and dips that are present on almost every wall. This makes for longer, straighter panels and increased curb appeal. While fiber cement is rigid, it’s also heavy, hard to handle and can mirror bows or dips in the wall behind it.

About the Author


ProVia is a leading manufacturer of professional-class entry doors, storm doors, patio doors, windows, vinyl siding, manufactured stone and metal roofing. The professional-class designation reflects the company’s high level of quality, service and customization. Professionals also appreciate ProVia’s unique ability to customize many products as needed. Equally important is the personalized treatment they receive after an order is placed or the product is installed.

While many of ProVia’s manufacturing processes are state-of-the-art, human craftsmanship is also involved to ensure product quality and high-end aesthetics. ProVia’s mission is “to serve, by caring for details in ways others won’t.” Each employee continually strives to put these words into action by providing unmatched quality and service, every day. 

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