12 Technologies That Can Make Jobsites Safer

Innovations such as wearables, drones and predictive analytics help improve hazard detection and incident prevention.

1 Min Read
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Lena Kenny is safety manager at New York City-based contractor JT Magen & Co. Opinions are the author’s own.

We also embrace technologies such as wearable devices, drones and artificial intelligence-powered analytics to improve safety monitoring, hazard detection and incident preventio

Innovations such as these have the potential to significantly improve workplace safety in the construction industry by providing better risk assessment, enhanced communication and real-time monitoring of workers and environments. By leveraging these emerging technologies, construction companies like JT Magen can create safer working environments, reduce accidents and injuries and improve overall productivity and efficiency in the industry.

Here are some examples of technologies we strive to develop and improve, and how these technologies can contribute.

About the Author

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