Roofers in Recovery: Spotting, Treating AddictionRoofers in Recovery: Spotting, Treating Addiction

'The path to freedom is waiting,' said Paul Reed, who started the non-profit Roofers in Recovery.

Paul Reed, GM

August 4, 2021

2 Min Read
Roofers in Recovery: Spotting, Treating Addiction

Before 2020, the Center for Disease Control reported approximately 20 million people in the U.S. had a serious addiction to drugs and/or alcohol. 

In other words, 1 in every 16 people in the U.S. struggled with substance abuse.

This was reported before the immense stressors from a global pandemic. 

Experts are already seeing huge increases in all forms of abuse. 

Addictions have risen to epidemic levels.

What for some people is a normal activity—a beer with friends after work, a glass of wine with dinner, a minor injury that requires a prescription for pain killers—can become the beginning of a living nightmare for others. 

If the numbers for individuals that struggle from substance abuse aren’t alarming enough, every 1 of the 20 million addicts has family members, friends, and work associates that are also affected by addiction. 

Substance abuse results in loss of motivation, loss of income, lethargy, missing work, unaccounted time, and damage to primary relationships as the addiction eclipses everything else of value.

How do you know if you’re heading toward an uncontrollable addiction? 

  • Do you obsess about where and when your next drink is? 

  • Are you the last one drinking after your friends have gone home? 

  • Do you experience depression and anxiety? 

  • Do you drink until you blackout? 

  • Do you experience isolation? 

If you’ve answered “yes” to any of these questions, you need to face the fact that you’re an addict.

How do you know if someone you care about is an addict? 

  • Do they lie to you about their whereabouts and activities? 

  • Are they frequently irritable? 

  • Are they often late or have unexplained disappearances? 

  • Do you feel as if they manipulate you? 

  • Do they show signs of delusion? 

If you suspect you know an addict, they need help.

There is hope. There are solutions. 

Substance abuse doesn’t carry the negative stigma it once did and hundreds of thousands of addicts have recovered and are living healthy, fulfilling, and productive lives. 

It takes a desire to overcome, a willingness to take the hard steps and to be surrounded by others who are already on their recovery path.

Roofers in Recovery is a 501c3, non-profit organization I started because I am well acquainted with the effects of addiction.  

At one time I struggled with addiction, but, for the past 14 years, I have been successful in overcoming it, thanks to the support of those around me.  

In return for my successes, my focus in life is now giving back and creating a path to freedom for others. 

I am passionate about helping contractors who are trapped in a destructive lifestyle. 

If you are struggling with addiction, or know someone who is, please reach out to me and/or Roofers in Recovery.

Roofers in Recovery holds weekly Zoom calls (9:00 p.m. CST) that are similar to AA meetings and there’s also a private Facebook group. 

I’ve been down the road you’re on and know the way back. 

The path to freedom is waiting.

About the Author

Paul Reed

GM, North-West Roofing

Paul Reed is a proven business leader with more than 25-years of experience in the roofing and restoration industry.

The main focus of his success in this industry, and in life, is staying true to his principals: Faith first, family values, helping others, and mentorship.

He has been with North-West Roofing since 2013, is the founder and president of the non-profit Roofers in Recovery, the founder and coach of Commercial Roofing Academy, and a board member for the American Policyholder's Association.  

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