Protecting Against Roofing FallsProtecting Against Roofing Falls
InventHelp develops fall protection apparatus for roofers.
September 6, 2021

On Thursday, InventHelp announced a patent-pending invention to provide fall protection for roofers—the BCRA Bear Claw Roof Anchor system.
"I'm a general contractor and thought there should be a way to prevent workers and supplies from falling while on a roof," said one of two inventors, from Wake Forest, N.C., "so we invented the Bear Claw (BRCA Bear Claw Roof Anchor) System. Our design provides added protection and peace of mind. It can also provide your business OSHA compliance for each of your residential roofing projects in as few as 15 minutes."
This patent-pending invention provides a fall protection apparatus for roofers. It also ensures that shingle bundles are secure while working. As a result, it enhances safety, stability and convenience and it helps to prevent falls, damage and other accidents. The invention features a portable design that is easy to attach and use so it is ideal for roofers, construction workers and do-it-yourselfers. Additionally, a prototype is available.
The original design was submitted to the Durham sales office of InventHelp. It is currently available for licensing or sale to manufacturers or marketers. For more information, write Dept. 19-DHM-603, InventHelp, 217 Ninth St., Pittsburgh, PA 15222, or call 412.288.1300 ext. 1368.
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