OSHA Heat Standard Still Not in SightOSHA Heat Standard Still Not in Sight

Record-breaking heat waves have swept across the U.S., but contractors don’t have one rule set to turn to as doctrine.

Construction Dive

July 18, 2023

1 Min Read
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Brandon Bell/Getty Images via Getty Images

Massive heat waves have hit large swaths of the U.S. this summer, breaking records for high temperatures across the country. And it’s about to get worse.

About 21% of U.S. residents live in areas where heat levels could become dangerously high this week, according to the New York Times heat tracker

For construction workers, the sweltering conditions mean an additional jobsite hazard. But there is no enforceable standard for protecting workers during extreme heat that contractors can look to for guidance.

Beating the heat

Until a standard exists, Orr offered suggestions on how to protect workers from heat.

To read the rest of this story from Construction Dive, our sister publication, click here.

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Construction Dive

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