Mason Contractors to Hold In-Person Meeting in FloridaMason Contractors to Hold In-Person Meeting in Florida

Following the success and safety of its Midyear Meeting in Indiana, the Mason Contractors Association of America (MCAA) will host its annual meeting at the South Seas Island Resort in Captiva, Florida, February 7 to 10, 2021.

January 13, 2021

1 Min Read

Following the success and safety of the Midyear Meeting in Indiana and in response to the World of Concrete moving to June of 2021, the MCAA will host its Annual Meeting at the South Seas Island Resort in Captiva, Florida, February 7 to 10, 2021. Highlights of the event include the rollout of a new Foreman Development Course, Golf, Foundation and Board Meetings, a Contractor Roundtable, and the first ever MASONRY STRONG LIVE event. MASONRY STRONG Live will feature educational presentations from suppliers to a live audience. Later, a full broadcast of the presentations will premiere on social media to reach those who could not make it to the live event. For more details, check out MCAA president Jeff Buczkiewicz's invitiation

As paart of this meeting, MCAA will sponsor a New Foreman Development Course. As the construction industry continues to change, so should the ways more junior employees make their way upward in any company. The MCAA has responded to the needs of the industry by working with masonry leaders to re-develop the popular Foreman Development Course, which will debut in February at the 2021 MCAA Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 7th. Attendees of the foreman development class do not have to register for the entire meeting if it is the only event they plan to attend. The cost is $250 for individuals who work for a member company and $350 for non-members. Register by clicking here.

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