Digital Togetherness in Roofing is Now—and the FutureDigital Togetherness in Roofing is Now—and the Future

The roofing industry is quickly adopting technology as the use of digital platforms and the need for connectivity continue to grow

Lauren White, Assistant Editor

July 22, 2021

3 Min Read
Construction blueprints shown on a iPad or tablet

Smartphones, FaceTime and social media have kept us connected to friends, loved ones and coworkers. 

And in 2020, they became a necessity and a new way of life.  

Instead of gathering for holidays, families would FaceTime as they cooked their traditional dishes, classes took place over Zoom, and other digital platforms hosted trade shows for numerous industries, roofing included.  

2020 forced companies that hadn’t already adapted to jump into the deep end of the digital world to keep their doors open and stay connected with others when we couldn’t be physically together.  

During quarantine, many turned to social media to stay connected. 

TikTok users increased from 35.6 million in 2019 to 65.9 million in 2020.  

As one of the most popular online activities, social media was used by over 3.6 billion people worldwide in 2020.

At RoofersCoffeeShop (RCS) we’ve seen giveaways, photo contests and stories used to connect roofing professionals to others near and far—people swoon over adorable pets in the office, admire a great roofing rig and bond with others who bust a move on TikTok.  

Online platforms provide a behind-the-scenes look at job sites, highlight the skills needed to install a roof and offer a glimpse into the life of a roofing professional, bridging the gap between customer and professional.  

While social media and online platforms give us a glimpse into what roofing professionals are doing, others want a deeper dive into issues affecting the industry.  

Many are doing this through podcasts and webinars. Podcasts have become a popular media form because they are engaging, easy to listen to and mobile, allowing people to listen while driving, working out or cleaning.  

Apple introduced the world to podcasting in 2004 and it has since become mainstream with over 62 million Americans listening to podcasts each week.  

Like many others, RCS is in on the podcasting scene too, bringing you roofing industry highlights, advice from roofing pros, business-boosting tips and more.  

As COVID-19 began to alter the lives of everyone in the spring of 2020 and roofing industry events were being canceled, it became apparent there was a need for more networking and digital communication opportunities, so Coffee Conversations was born.  

Originally a Q&A session for contractors to meet manufacturers, the new Coffee Conversations took on a life of its own bringing roofing professionals of all ages, from the rooftop to the boardroom, together with their coffee to ask questions and find answers in real-time about important industry issues.  

These digital hangouts are not only fun but brought a sense of normalcy during uncertain times.  

While live conversations are a great way to bring people together virtually, webinars and on-demand training bring knowledge and continuing education to your screen, allowing you to learn how you want, when you want.  

When everyone’s lives were upended in 2020, roofing professionals needed a way to continue educating and training since in-person events were on hold. So, on-demand training and webinars became the new norm, leading to solid roofing education being available at your fingertips or in your earbuds. 

Knowing that people learn in different ways, our RLW–Read Listen Watch series allows for the ability to read before going to bed, listen while tackling chores, or watch while enjoying a cup of coffee.  

On-demand learning lets people self-pace, which leads to a higher retention rate.

People turned to digital platforms to maintain a sense of normalcy and be “together” when the world shut down.  

For the roofing industry, utilizing the digital space to facilitate live conversations, provide learning opportunities through on-demand webinars and bring people together through photo contests not only created a sense of community but is crucial for success in today’s technology-driven world.

About the Author

Lauren White

Assistant Editor, Roofers Coffee Shop

Lauren White joined the RoofersCoffeeShop crew in 2019. She earned her B.B.A. in Marketing and a Masters in Arts and Teaching from the University of Portland. Seeking a way to combine both degrees, she found success through writing articles to both teach and promote products utilized by the roofing community. New to the roofing world, White has gotten a crash course in terms, concepts, organizations and many other industry details. However, with her love of learning and education, she has enjoyed jumping into this new arena, both gaining as well as sharing her new knowledge.

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