Admixture for Returned ConcreteAdmixture for Returned Concrete
Turn returned concrete into a usable product instantly.
January 26, 2021
"NRMCA estimates that as much as 4% of all ready mixed concrete is returned to the plant," says Tarek Khan,Manager, Building Solutions Team, Master Builders Solutions. "This new product helps our customers manage returned concrete at their concrete plants. When MasterSuna RCT 323 from Master Builders Solutions is added to the drum, that wet, messy returned concrete and washout can be turned into a dry, solid material. The addition of MasterSuna turns the mortar fraction of returned concrete into a dry, granular material in just a couple of minutes. The dry materials can be easily handled in the plant and sold as base course materials, backfill material, or put back into the aggregates pile as non-graded coarse aggregate. Returned concrete doesn’t have to be hauled to a landfill for disposal or windrowed or handled after it hardens and crushed for reuse—which is costly and adds embodied carbon. Anything that the concrete producer does to reduce waste and improve water quality is recognized by environmental rating systems, for example LEED. This technology saves concrete producers truck time, reduces waste, and keeps fines out of the process water and rainwater runoff at the plant."
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