5 Powerful Concrete Vibrator Options5 Powerful Concrete Vibrator Options

We take a look at internal concrete vibrators, with battery-, electric- and gas-powered options.

Katy Tomasulo

March 15, 2023

5 Slides
Walker Neuson

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Walker Neuson

Like many tools, choosing the right internal concrete vibrator for your job comes down to a few basic considerations—project type and size, location, availability of power and personal ergonomic preferences. No matter your need, there are a variety of options available, including some that run on battery platforms that may already be on your jobsite, some offering extended reach and one offering complete portability.

About the Author

Katy Tomasulo

Katy Tomasulo is an accomplished writer, editor and public relations pro who has worked in the construction industry for two decades. She writes about residential and commercial building products and materials and construction trends.

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