Ken Pratt

Ken Pratt

Technical Services Manager, Swanson Group

Ken Pratt is the Technical Services Manager for Swanson Group. He has worked in the wood panel industry for more than 30 years. His experience includes manufacturing, quality control, product design/development, and product applications across many industries.

Ken is currently spending most of his time working with contractors, distributors, and end users of wood panels. He supports the concrete industry by providing technical expertise on using formwork panels to improve the quality of the finished concrete surfaces while maintaining productivity and profitability.

Ken graduated from the University of Idaho after earning a BS in Forest Products. Ken is the author of several industry technical papers.

Ken is an active member of the American Plywood Associationā€™s Marketing Advisory Committee Member. But more importantly, he is deeply involved in the concrete industry through American Concrete Institute technical committees: 301 - Specifications for Structural Concrete; 310 -Decorative Concrete; 347 - Guide to Formed Concrete Surfaces; and serves as Secretary on 303 - Guide to Cast-in-Place Architectural Concrete Practice.

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